Custom Crafted: Designing Your Dream Long Handle Cricket Bat

Long-handle custom-made cricket bats that are uniquely tailored to each player's style and preferences.

In this blog, we explore the meticulous process of designing and constructing a long-handle bespoke cricket bat, ensuring it aligns perfectly with the batter's requirements.

But, before we start, what is a long-handle cricket bat?

A long-handle cricket bat, with its extended handle, is perfect for players 1.88m-2.1m (6.16ft - 6.88ft) tall, offering improved reach and control. It's ideal for those over 6 feet, enhancing comfort and power in gameplay, a top choice for cricketers.

So, keep reading, and let's delve straight into it.

Initial Discussion with the Customer

The journey of crafting a long handle custom made cricket bat begins with an in-depth consultation with the customer, you can book yours with me here at Trogon here.

This initial discussion is crucial as it helps us understand the specific requirements and preferences of the batter.  During this consultation, we gather detailed information about the desired edge size, middle position (do you want a low middle, mid-high middle or high-middle?), cricket bat weights, handle shape, toe shape, and other customization features.

For players with a height ranging between 1.88m to 2.1m, the target weight of a long handle bat is typically around 2lb 9oz or heavier, depending on the player's preference.

This weight ensures a balance between power and control, allowing the batter to execute a wide range of shots with ease. However, we understand that every player is unique, and we are more than willing to adjust the weight to suit their specific needs.

The below image shows the general size guide for cricket bats that manufactures use.

Cricket bat size guide

Selecting the Correct Cleft Based on the Grade of Willow

The selection of the correct cleft is a pivotal step in creating a long handle custom made cricket bat. At Trogon Cricket, we use English willow, renowned for its outstanding performance and aesthetic qualities.

The willow is categorized into different grades, each with its unique characteristics and price points.

Players Grade English Willow 

The player's Grade willow represents the pinnacle of quality. This grade is often reserved for professional players and is rare due to its exceptional properties. It features straight, even grains with minimal blemishes, offering superior performance and a pristine appearance.

The willow is exceptionally lightweight yet powerful, providing an excellent balance. At £615.00, the Players Grade willow is a premium choice for those seeking the very best in cricket bat craftsmanship.

As with all cricket bat manufacturers, here at Trogon, we have our own cleft grading process which will differ from other bat makers.

Grade 1 English Willow 

Grade 1 willow is a high-quality choice, favoured by advanced players for its excellent performance characteristics. This grade typically features straight, unblemished grains with a clean, consistent appearance.

The wood is resilient and offers a great balance between power and control, making it ideal for players who demand a high level of performance from their bat.

Priced at £439.60, Grade 1 willow bats provide a fantastic blend of quality and value.

Grade 2 English Willow 

Grade 2 willow is a very good quality option, suitable for club-level and intermediate players. It may have fewer straighter grains and some minor blemishes compared to Grade 1 but it still offers reliable performance and durability.

This grade is often chosen for its good balance between quality and affordability. The slightly heavier feel of the Grade 2 willow can be advantageous for players who prefer a more substantial bat.

At £360.30, Grade 2 willow bats are an excellent choice for those seeking quality without the premium price tag.

Grade 3 Willow 

Grade 3 willow is an ideal choice for amateur and entry-level players. While it may have more visible blemishes and irregular grain patterns than higher grades, it still offers good performance and resilience.

This grade is perfect for those who are just starting their cricket journey or play the game recreationally.

Priced at £274.20, Grade 3 willow bats are the most affordable option, providing a great introduction to high-quality cricket bats without a significant investment.

Butterfly Grade Willow

Butterfly grade willow is a wonderful strong choice for all batters.  Butterfly willow is known as being incredibly robust and with the beautiful butterfly stain through the wood it is truly stunning.

Priced at £270.00, butterfly willow in my personal opinion is a wonderful choice.

Each grade of willow caters to different skill levels and budgets, ensuring that every player can find a long-handled cricket bat that meets their specific needs and preferences.

At Trogon Cricket, we pride ourselves on offering a wide range of options to suit all players, from aspiring amateurs to seasoned professionals.

You can read more about the different types of willow grades here we also have a number of alternative willows that are great for 2nd bats, replica net bats and junior bats, these alternative willows are Dutch hybrid and Kashmir willow which you can order through our workshop bats and also through a custom-made cricket bat

Pressing the Cleft

Once the cleft is chosen, it undergoes a crucial process known as pressing. This step involves compressing the willow to enhance its strength and resilience. The amount of pressure applied is carefully calibrated to maintain the perfect balance between hardness and flexibility.

This ensures that the bat provides excellent rebound qualities, vital for achieving those powerful shots.

pressing the cleft

The above picture shows me pressing a raw cleft on our custom-made pressing machine.  Before the pressing starts, I've cleaned the face, sometimes known as 'buzzing' the blade, and then I add water to the face which stops the face from cracking.  The pressing process is completed by ear, during the pressing process I regularly check the performance and sound to see when the pressing is complete.

Splicing or Adding the Handle

The handle is a critical component of the cricket bat, as it influences the overall balance and feel. In this stage, we splice the handle into the cleft. The handles are made from top-quality cane and rubber or cork, which provides the necessary stiffness and shock absorption.

We pay special attention to the handle's shape and alignment to ensure it complements the blade perfectly, whether round, oval or semi-oval cricket bat handles, these are discussed during the initial conversation.

Cutting a cricket bat handle to shape

The above image shows me using our custom-made handline jig to cut the raw cricket bat handle.

Shaping the Blade

Shaping the blade is an art form in itself. I meticulously plane the willow to achieve the desired profile. Whether it's a full-profile bat for aggressive hitters or a more traditional shape for technically sound players, we shape each blade according to the batter's playing style.

This customization allows for enhanced control and power distribution throughout the bat.

Shaping a cricket bat cleft

The above image shows me using a traditional drawknife which is used to remove lots of wood, before the more intricate planing starts.   You can see from the image I have the middle marked and the toe shape is coming along nicely.

traditional cricket bat plane

The above image shows me using a traditional (albeit new) wooden plane to work the work.  This tool is used for the more intricate elements of the bat shaping.


Sanding is a vital step in achieving a smooth, flawless finish. We use a combination of hand and machine sanding to remove any imperfections and to prepare the surface for further treatments.

This process not only enhances the appearance of the bat but also plays a role in its performance.

Cricket bat sanding drum

The sanding process for all hand-made cricket bats has a few different parts.  First, I use the custom-made sanding drum which can be seen above.  Once this is complete I move onto hand sanding, which you can see in the image below.

Hand sanding a cricket bat

Hand sanding a cricket takes over an hour and goes through multiple sanding grits.

Binding the Handle

Binding the handle is essential for reinforcing its strength and durability. We use high-quality twine to tightly wrap around the handle, providing additional support and ensuring a comfortable grip.

This binding process also aids in absorbing the shock from the impact of the ball.

Binding the cricket bat handle

The above image shows me binding the cricket bat handle (to see it in action check out our socials).  This is a custom-built binding machine, we've pretty much built our lathe.  First, we securely fit the bat to the machine, then glue the handle and then start wrapping the twine around the handle.  It's a process that took around 4-5 months to master!  

Polishing and Waxing

Polishing and waxing are the final touches that bring out the natural beauty of the willow.

We use premium quality waxes and polishes to enhance the wood's grain and protect it from moisture and wear. This not only makes the bat look stunning but also helps in its longevity.

polishing a cricket bat

The above image shows me applying a polishing compound to a polishing wheel.

polishing a cricket bat

Using my bench grinder I run the cricket bat on all sides to provide the cricket bat with a nice look.


Adding stickers to the bat is more than just a branding exercise. It's a way to personalize the bat and give it a unique identity.

Our customers can choose from a variety of sticker designs.

stickering a Trogon cricket bat

Finishing the Bat with Anti-Scuff or Extra Tech

The final step in the bat-making process is applying an anti-scuff sheet or extra tech to the face of the bat, or some batters prefer to leave as a clean face.  You can read more about extra face protection and if it's worth it.

We can also add a toe guard, to protect the bat from damage and wear. This ensures that the bat remains in top condition, match after match.


At Trogon Cricket, we pride ourselves on crafting high-quality, long-handle custom-made cricket bats that cater to the unique needs of each player.

Our extensive selection of Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3 English willow clefts allows us to offer a wide range of customisation options.

Whether you're looking for a specific long-handle cricket bat weight or a particular design, we have the expertise and resources to create a bat that meets your exact requirements. 

For all custom bat enquiries contact Len on or WhatsApp +44 07539000063 and he will answer all your questions.

Recap of Designing Your Dream Long Handle Cricket Bat Blog post

When customizing a long handle cricket bat, factors such as edge size, middle position, weight, handle shape, toe shape, and other personal preferences are considered. The customization process aims to align the bat’s specifications with the player's height and playing style.

The correct cleft for a long handle cricket bat is selected based on the grade of willow—ranging from rare Players Grade to Grades 1, 2, and 3. Each grade reflects different qualities of the wood, including grain structure and presence of blemishes, impacting both the performance and price of the bat.

Pressing the cleft is crucial as it compresses the willow to enhance its strength and resilience. This process helps in maintaining the balance between hardness and flexibility, ensuring the bat provides excellent rebound qualities for effective shot-making.

The handle, typically made from Singapore cane, rubber or cork, is spliced into the cleft. This process involves meticulous attention to the handle’s shape and alignment.

The final steps include shaping, sanding, binding the handle, polishing, waxing, adding custom stickers, and applying protective measures like anti-scuff sheets. Each step is vital to ensure the bat’s durability, aesthetic appeal, and performance readiness.